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Private Consultations & Personal Healing Programs

Begin with an Initial Consultation
In Person or Online Video
The Initial Consultation sets the course for your overall health protocol. It is aimed at uncovering the root cause of imbalances, and not simply to assess symptoms.
In this 50 minute session Victor Briere, A.D. will review your entire health history and your current health concerns. Victor will read your pulses (if in person) along with performing the other primary methods of ayurvedic assessment including a tongue assessment. You will be informed of your primary ayurvedic constitution (Prakruti) and areas of imbalance (Vikruti).
You will leave with a definitive plan detailing:
1) Nourishment - What, when and how to eat.
2) Sleep - Solutions to create healthy sleep patterns.
3) Lifestyle - Solutions for daily choices and challenges that affect your health.
4) Herbal - A customized herbal protocol to address your specific needs.
Continue with Follow Up Consultations
In Person or Online Video
Follow Up Consultations track the changes in your health and serve to apply the appropriate actions building on the protocol created in the Initial Consultation.
Each Follow Up Consultation is a focused 25 minutes addressing your present moment concerns and questions. Frequency is determined based on your specific health needs.
Follow Up Consultations address:
1) Challenges that arise in applying or maintaining nourishment and lifestyle changes.
2) Adjustments to your health protocol as needed.
3) Changes to your herbal protocol as your body's needs change.
4) The next steps to create true health.
Ayurveda employs a variety of beautifully crafted body therapies to help bring your body into balance with your natural constitution. ​These therapies are done individually or in combination depending on your unique needs.
The appropriate course of therapies is determined in an Initial Consultation.
Panchakarma is an extraordinarily sophisticated personal health detoxification and rejuvenation retreat. It involves a preparation phase, body therapy phase, and rejuvenation phase over the period of two to three months. Specialized therapies are performed by our team under the guidance of Victor Briere, A.D.
Panchakarma is not right for everyone. Please contact us to have a free 15 minute consultation with Victor to determine if Panchakarma is appropriate for your health needs.
To book an appointment please call us at 707.412.0053 or email us
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